Need More Information?

Below are the most frequently asked questions regarding our product.


Yes! FoxmagicPlus was developed with new users in mind. The user interface of the program and its screen uniformity will give new users a faster learning curve. Thus, we still continue to enhance the program with new technology that will enable the program be more user-friendly.
Definitely yes! You can add as many users as you need because we don’t have a limit for user licenses unlike other softwares.
Yes! FoxmagicPlus can surely accommodate as many subsidiaries and different companies in just one license of the system. The additional charge only applies if you prefer to install the program into another server which will serve as new license of the program.
Yes! FoxmagicPlus can handle different branches. And since it is web-based, users on different sites will be able to access the program thru Internet connection.
Yes! FoxmagicPlus Accounting Software and Inventory Software was developed by a company which specializes in customizations. You can purchase a standard basic version of the program and after analyzing your business processes, we can customize accordingly to your company’s needs. Aside from that we can also suggest “work arounds” that will not cost the company extra charges.
The system has built-in reports such as daily sales, disbursements, and other essential reports that are used by a company. All formats of the reports produced by the system can be customized depending on the client’s requirements. As long as the data is inside the system, it can be generated in whatever format you choose to be.
No problem! We can keep on adding new reports as you may need. Our charges for creating the custom reports are based on how complicated the report that you need and how our database will be affected. For minor reports, we give it for FREE!
Part of the service that is included as you purchase the program is training your IT maintenance/head how to do backups and other essential tasks that will keep your data safe.


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Foxmagic Plus.

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